10 ways to say “I don’t know”


Had this ever happened to you before? You’re at work and a co-worker asks you a question that you probably should know the answer to, but you don’t! At that moment, your heart stops, and you think about better ways than just saying “I don’t know” There are many ways in which one can say “I don’t know” in English. Using different ways to say it, makes your conversation way more exciting and very natural. 

Instead of saying I don’t know, try these

  1. I’m not sure – It is used when you’re not 100% sure about the question.
  2. Who knows? – We use this to basically say that we don’t know something because it is impossible to know.
  3. I have no idea – this expression is commonly used when you don’t have information and you cannot guess the answer to the question.
  4. Your guess is as good as mine – it is used for saying that basically, you know as much as the person that asked. 
  5. Beats me – this is used when you don’t know or you don’t understand something.
  6. Not as far as I know – We use this when something may possibly be true but you do not have enough information to confirm it.
  7. How should I know? – This expression is commonly used when you don’t know something and you are annoyed that the person is asking you about it.
  8. I’ll double-check and let you know – This is used when you want to confirm your information before answering the question.
  9. That’s a really good question, I’ll check – we use this in a formal way. It is used to basically say “I don’t know” but you will do some research and get back to the person with the answer.
  10. Don’t ask me – this is used when you basically have no prior information to this question and will have no more knowledge about it in the future. 

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